Today, alcoholic drinks
or a liquid which contains alcohol substance become a lifestyle trend. Unfortunately,
now many teenager treat wine and alcohol as a part of their lifestyle. The
problem, is it safe drinks? or alcohol is really dangerous drink indeed?
Many research has
been shows that alcoholic drink or alcohol liquid examined cause various
disease and crush the body. One of the most common disease cause by alcohol is
liver disease.
Drink a glass of
alcohol everyday is very bad for liver. When someone drink alcohol drink
routinely even more in large amount will leads to the extreme crush of liver or
in medical terms called Liver Sirosis. Crush on the liver in long period can
leads to another dangerous disease, liver cancer. Both Sirosis liver and liver
cancer are a complex disease which often caused sudden death. So, shall we stop
alcohol drinks right now guys?
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to do a blood sugar check or intensively want to consult with our medical consultant
team, please come
to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia".
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are interested want to seek treatment,
to find out more please see, come, ask, see for yourself or consult
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