What is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a soft substance that resembles fat normally present in the body cells, tissues and blood. This substance is an essential component of cell membranes and is important for the structure and function of cells. This substance is also the base material forming several hormones for the regulation of vital body functions and bile acids to digest food. Only a small amount of cholesterol is needed to maintain healthy functioning of the body.
However, very high levels of cholesterol in the blood will accumulate in the arteries and lead to coronary artery disease, particularly heart attack. Thus, high cholesterol is a major coronary risk factor. When elevated cholesterol levels of 175 to 330 mg / dL, the risk of heart attack increased by almost 4 times.
It is manufactured in the body, most hearts, and are also found in many foods and animals (such as, quadruped meat, poultry, fish, and livestock products). Egg yolks also contain a lot of cholesterol. On the other hand, egg whites, fruits, vegetables, and grains do not contain such substances.
Cholesterol to be circulating to and from the cells through the blood stream, but these substances and fats can not dissolve in the blood. So, had to walk with a special transport packages called lipoproteins. Although there are several types of lipoproteins, the two most important are the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
Range of total blood cholesterol levels to normal (desirable) and abnormal (high) are as follows:
- Less and 200 mg / dL: desired
- 200 to 239 mg / dL: high limit
- 240 mg / dL and higher: higher
Type - the type of cholesterol in the body?
LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
LDL contains about 25% protein and 45% cholesterol. LDL cholesterol causes fatty deposits that form in the arteries. Because LDL levels affect the risk of heart attack is much larger than the total cholesterol levels, medical authorities generally use the term to describe LDL cholesterol. Thus, physicians should aggressively treat LDL levels.
You can think about either the desired level and abnormally high levels of LDL as follows:
- Less and 130 mg / dL: desired
- 130 to 150 mf / dL: upper limit
- 160 mg / dL, or more: higher
If you have other risk factors and a history of coronary artery disease, LDL levels should be below the desired 100 mg / dL. LDL level of 160 mg / dL estimated comparable with total cholesterol levels of 240 mg / dL. General guideline level of LDL (bad) desired is as follows:
- 160 mg / dL or less if you have only one risk factor and there is no evidence of heart disease.
- 130 mg / dL or less if you have two or more risk factors and no evidence of heart disease.
- 100 mg / dL or less if you are proven coronary artery disease, particularly a history of heart attack.
- HDL (high-density lipoprotein)
HDL actually protects the arteries against the buildup of fatty deposits. That is why the term used to describe the good cholesterol HDL. HDL levels in most adult men is 40 to 50 mg / dL, while the HDL value ranges for women and 50 to 60 mg / dL. Desired level for HDL is above 35 mg / dL. When HDL levels are too low, then the weight loss (for overweight people), regular exercise, and avoiding tobacco can raise it. - Cholesterol chylomicrons
- Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)
- Total cholesterol
- Triglycerides
What is Cholesterol Functions?
Many people who generalize all cholesterol as "bad". In fact, there are also "good" cholesterol. In addition, a certain amount of cholesterol is needed by the body, such as proteins and fats to synthesize. Thus, cholesterol is needed to maintain the continuity of existence metabolism and body organs.
Cholesterol is a fat that is useful as a building block of hormones and membrane include in forming process of cell wall material in human body. In other words, cholesterol is one component of the fat contained in food and the body. 80% as most of the cholesterol formed in the liver and the rest come from various types of sources of food and beverages
Images of blood vessels or arteries in patients with cholesterol. Naturally cholesterol already present in our body. Cholesterol in our body is produced in the liver or in the intestine (2/3 of her), while his third obtained from food. Cholesterol is used to build cell walls and also to make hormones. Cholesterol is also an important component in the formation of bile acids, steroid hormones and vitamin D.
How it Cholesterol Works?
Cholesterol helps transport fats that have been in if the heart to the entire body. The blood vessels act as highways. After running this function, cholesterol back to the liver and refine this process again.
Once ingested, fat or food into the stomach and then into the small intestine to be digested and absorbed. After that, the juices of food sent to the fatherly heart in the process, and delivered to the entire body. The liver makes fat in VLDL. VLDL is then run through the blood vessels, unload its cargo (fat) in the body. VLDL is empty then becomes LDL.
Several pieces of LDL can get stuck along the walls of blood vessels and thus narrow the blood vessels. The role of HDL is releasing LDL stuck on the walls of blood vessels and mengirimkannnya back to the liver. Pieces of LDL was then recycled into new VLDL or destroyed and disposed of VLDL new delivery process will start again.
Correlation between Cholesterol and Heart Disease
When a person consumes excessive fat, more pieces of LDL are stuck along the walls of blood vessels, if there is not enough HDL to remove it. Then clogged blood vessels, causing the heart to have more HDL and less LDL cholesterol in the body.
Cholesterol is closely related to a heart attack, why? Since the basic principle of a heart attack caused by a blocked blood vessel. As is known, the blood vessels are like channels of water. If dirt accumulates, the water flow will be blocked and the blockage. In blood vessels, "dirt"-especially in the form of fat-cholesterol and triglycerides can clog blood circulation. That's why, cholesterol is often cited as the culprit of heart and blood vessel disease.
High cholesterol levels will lead to thickening of plaque in the blood vessel lumen, but also easily lead to damage to the blood vessel wall. Plaque attached to the walls of blood vessels that contains fat and inflammatory components.
Plaques that thicken in the walls of blood vessels will further narrow the vessel lumen. This plaque containing cholesterol in the blood vessels can appear anywhere. However, the most dangerous is that if the plaque is located in the coronary blood vessels and blood vessels in the brain. From time to time, these plaques can cover the whole vessel lumen. Or it could be that plaque rupture (rupture) and the outbreak carried by the bloodstream to other organs, such as in the heart.
If he brought up the blood vessels to the heart, it may be what happens in the heart. Fractional plaque will immediately block blood flow and consequently the heart can not receive blood. Then not long heart muscle will die. This condition is referred to as a heart attack.
How To Prevent Increased Levels Of Cholesterol And Heart Disease
Here are some interesting tips to prevent increase in cholesterol levels in the body, which are:
- Choose foods contain healthy fats. Do not consume more than 10% of daily fat content of saturated fat are experiencing. Avoid trans fat types. A healthy kind of fat obtained from olive oil, nuts, and canola oil. Almonds and walnuts are also a source of healthy fats.
- Limit your cholesterol levels. Maximum intake of cholesterol is 300 mg a day. In heart patients, the amount is not more than 200 mg. Sources of cholesterol are meat, egg yolks, and dairy products. Avoid eating the brain, liver, intestines, kidneys and tripe. Also avoid eating cakes made of milk, egg yolks, and butter.
- Choose fiber-containing foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fiber can help lower cholesterol levels.
- Consumption of fish. Some kind of fish is good for health. Tuna, cod or halibut is a healthy choice to avoid cholesterol. Type salmon, mackerel, and herring had higher levels of omega 3 fatty acids that help maintain heart health.
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. Alcohol can raise cholesterol levels, while smoking can lead to atherosclerosis which leads to heart attack and stroke.
- Perform sport or activity for the body because it can improve cholesterol levels. Do at least 30 minutes or 1 hour if possible in a day, for example, using a stationary bike, walking briskly, or other movement.
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Many patients of Canon medicinae Indonesia of Complementary Hospital has been treated and served through individual diagnosis. Drug doses is not quiet same for every person because each person is not the same DNA. More than 500 cancer patients have trusted Canon medicinae Hospital Complementary Indonesia as part of his recovery process. Not surprisingly, given the patient's recovery rate reaches up to 80%.
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For those readers who still need more information or would like to consult, please come to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia". And if you are interested want to seek treatment, to find out more please see, come, ask, see for yourself or consult your self immediately to 21st Tubagus Ismail VII Dago avenue Bandung West Java - INDONESIA Phone: +62 - (022) 253- 1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary only Canon medicinae Indonesia in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).
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