Dokter Kami Sahabat Anda

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2014


Daibetes or diabetes, is a disease that is very deadly. By the end of 2013, Indonesia is in seventh position in the number of diabetics in the world with as many as 8.5 million people. This figure is certainly very worrying and needed serious treatment.
This figure may be related to a number of lifestyle Indonesian people who like to consume sweet foods and beverages.

Diabetes is also the potential to create a number of long-term complications of other diseases including heart disease, chronic renal failure, retinal damage causes blindness, nerve damage and impotence.

Here is 3 bad habits that can lead to the emergence of diabetes due to increased blood sugar levels :

1. Eating Too Fast
Eating too fast can cause problems in the stomach. Food will suppress excessive air, so that usually become bloated stomach. It can be caused by the process of chewing food is not perfect. This habit is very bad because it causes the digestive tract to work harder and sooner or later this habit will eventually increase your weight and lead to potential diabetes.

2. Reducing excessive coffee with sugar
Some research revealed that coffee can stimulate the production of gastrin can stimulate pancreatic hyperplasia and neoplasia. Drinking more than three cups of coffee a day can lead to pancreatic cancer and coffee that contain excess sugar is almost certainly harmful for blood sugar balance.

3. Sweet predilection snack food
Diabetes is the worst side effects from consuming too much sugar. Obesity is also often attacked because of our habit of consuming sugar too greedy. People become obese not because of the calorie content of sugar, but because sugar has a capacity thereby undermining the balance of hormones. Increased appetite and fat tissue can lead to increased body fat

For readers who wants to check up the blood sugar level or intensively wants to consult with our medical consultant team, please come directly to "Canon medicinae Indonesia" Complementary Hospital at 21st Tubagus Ismail VII Dago Bandung avenue. West Java - INDONESIA Phone: + 62 - (022) 253-1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary only Canon medicinae Indonesia in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).

Pharmacy Team of "Canon medicinae Indonesia" Complementary Hospital - Bandung - West Java INDONESIA.

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