Dokter Kami Sahabat Anda

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014


Psychotropic substance is a drug, either natural or synthetic non-narcotic, a potent psychoactive through selective effect on the central nervous system that causes typical changes in mental activity and behavior. Substances or psychotropic drugs also potentially decrease the activity of the brain which is accompanied by the onset of hallucinations (dreaming), illusions, disturbances of thinking, mood changes and can lead to dependence and has the effect of stimulation (stimulating) for the wearer. Prolonged use of psychotropic can also cause more severe impact, not only lead to dependency and a number of diseases and physical and psychological disorders but also many that led to the death.

Popular types of Psychotropic substance and its effects

Cocaine (coke)
Quickened heartbeat, restlessness, excessive joy, self-esteem increased, talkative, convulsions, dilated pupils, cold sweats, nausea to vomiting, easy fight, bleeding in the brain, blood clots, uncontrolled eye movements, stiffness of the neck muscles

Marijuana (Mary Jane)
Puffy eyes, eye bags look swollen, red and watery, frequent daydreaming, hearing impaired, always laughing, sometimes quick-tempered, listlessness, restlessness, dehydration bones, loss of teeth, liver, brain and nerve optic nerve is damaged, schizophrenia
.Ectasy (Inex)
Energetic but his eyes glazed and his face was pale, sweating, insomnia, brain damage, dehydration, liver disorders, bone and tooth loss, no appetite, eye nerve damage
Shabu-shabu (metamfetamin)
Energetic, Paranoid, difficulty sleeping, difficulty thinking, brain damage, especially the nerves that control breathing to feel shortness of breath, a lot of talk quickened heartbeat, brain hemorrhage, shock the heart arteries that will lead to death.

Direct Impact of Drugs for the Body
Disorders of the heart, on hemoprosik Disorders, Disorders of the urinary traktur, disorders of the brain, Disorders of the bone, disorders of the blood vessels, the endorin disorders, skin disorders, nervous system disorders, lung disorders, disorders of the digestive system, can be infected with communicable diseases such as HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, herpes, tuberculosis, etc.

For those readers who still need more information about psychotropic substances and a number of other chronic illnesses, please consult with Consultant Team RsCMI or come directly to the hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia in Jalan Ismail VII Tubagus 21 Dago Bandung West Java - INDONESIA Phone : +62 - (022) 253-1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary only Canon medicinae Indonesia in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).

Complementary Hospital Pharmacy Team "Canon medicinae Indonesia" - Bandung - West Java INDONESIA

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