Dokter Kami Sahabat Anda

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014


Garlic is a spice that is commonly used as a spice in the kitchen. Garlic appears to have enormous benefits for health. This is certainly related to the content of the various compounds in it.
A number of intensive search has been proved that there are more than 100 biological chemicals in garlic are beneficial for the body. Garlic also has anti-bacterial substances, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidants.
Here are the Benefits of Garlic for Health :

  1. Lowering Cholesterol
    Consuming 600 mg of garlic every day can lower cholesterol levels.
  2. Treating Skin Diseases
    Garlic is also able to fight infection and bacteria such as warts and other skin problems.
  3. Smooth Sirkulsi Blood
    The content of aphrodisiac in garlic helps improve blood circulation and also helps prolong an erection. So it is very good for sexual problems, energy supply and also increase sexual energy.
  4. Set Blood Sugar level
    Regulate blood sugar levels by increasing the release of insulin in diabetics.
  5. Antibacterial
    Louis Paster make garlic as an antibacterial and antifungal, while Albert Schweitzer in Africa use it as a cure dysentery. Antibacterial and anesthetic properties of garlic can help cure toothaches.
  6. Lowering Blood Pressure
    Garlic is helpful in reducing high blood pressure and control blood flow in the body. Garlic can stop blood clots in the blood vessels of the body.
  7. Reduce Lung Cancer Risk
    Recent research in China indicates that raw garlic has the effect of warding off a variety of health problems, including chronic diseases and lung cancer. The researchers believe that the benefits associated with allicin content.
  8. Heart Health
    A heart attack is triggered due to low oxygen supply to the body. Fresh garlic turned out better in reducing damage due to low oxygen supply.

Therefore, for readers who want to know more about the benefits of intensive food or want to consult other related chronic diseases, please come to the Hospital Complementary "Canon medicinae Indonesia" on the road Tubagus Ismail VII # 21 Dago Bandung West Java Province - INDONESIA Phone: +62 - (022) 253-1000 / Fax. (022) 251-6663 / Mobile: +62 - 0812.2023.2009 (Kidney) / +62 - 0878.9537.5000 (Diabetes Mellitus) / +62 - 0856.9518.6000 (Cancer) / +62 - 0822.1848.2898 (Heart) PIN Blackberry: 7E8C39F5 (GENERAL), 7EBA27CF (CANCER), 7E7C3491 (RENAL) (Hospital Complementary only Canon medicinae Indonesia in Bandung - West Java - INDONESIA).
Complementary Hospital Pharmacy Team "Canon medicinae Indonesia" - Bandung - West Java INDONESIA.